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Does your life seem full of problems?
Grab this opportunity to start making them go away.
Tales from the 'life is like this' collection
Rock of All Ages!
The auditorium begins to fill. From the gods above we watch as swarms of worshippers begin to fill the canvas arena below.
All kinds of people are here - babes in arms, school kids, city types, pensioners who should know better, the young and studious, (and those not so studious).
Beefy blokes and their beefy wives turned out in gaudy Band merchandise, de rigeur for a serious fan -and then the quiet and nervous - arms folded, out of place, praying for the fireworks to begin at this Nuremburg Rally of Pop.
The numbers below increase, and soon the arena is undulating with all humanity - expectant, pumped-up, sick with anticipation.
Everyone is excited.
Everyone loves everyone else.
We all have a common bond which means we are all similar people and therefore mass love is natural. We are triumphant . We Are the Champions!
Pacification music thrums from the stage and echoes around, gradually building in tempo and intensity, bringing the fans to a climax of frustration and longing!
Any minute now! Oh, come on! Where are they?!
Suddenly the music stops, and a vast roar funnels up to the open sky!
Anticlimax - a roadie steps on to the stage and adjusts a microphone.
'One two, one two' he intones drily to someone somewhere, then skips off anonymously into the hinterland of the set.
He receives a few weak cheers from the pilgrims though, he is, after all, the harbinger of the main event.
The roadie leaves, and the warm-up music starts again, by now the crowd is at breaking point, aching with anticipation.
We can't hold out much longer.
To ease the agony we start talking to others around us.
'Are they late? Did you see the helicopter?
Do you think they are OK?'
The mass concern is palpable.
We console ourselves with worthy, logical explanations.
Yet our idols should not be hurried, or speculated over or criticised.
They will arrive when they arrive, we must respect that, (even though the concert should have started twenty minutes ago).
We have to stay calm.
Then suddenly -
A volley of white - hot fireworks blasts upward from the stage to the accompaniment of ear splitting bass guitar chords, primal and thrilling, which grip the soul and rip through the chest!
The crowd is taken unawares! Amidst our post-roadie relaxation, we are so unprepared!
But it doesn't take us long.
A second roar, huge and terrifying in its power is released into the atmosphere above, yet amidst this mass hysteria we study the stage with a new intensity to catch the first glimpse of our leader.
He not far from us now. He is nigh.
Some are crying with joy. Some shriek, some blush!
Oh come on!
And then, and then -
A second white fusilade from front stage - and there he is!
Leaping and prancing, red-suited and waving - the object of our desire stands before us, mike in hand, and blowing kisses.
The bass guitar strums volubly on. He takes a low bow, almost sweeping the floor with his hand, then raises his arm high above his head to wave.
To us, his followers. We are ecstatic. We are acknowledged. We are one.